Secure Document Downloading

Online Delivery of Reports

We provide a fast, secure, and convenient option for you to access / obtain / download your daily transcribed reports. All your current and past reports are available 24x7 for download from our website without any extra charge for the secure online storage feature. This secure report access feature is extremely helpful not only for your daily report download needs but becomes extremely handy tool when you want to locate / search for an old report quickly. You just need to remember any one particular thing about the report and the intelligent application will fetch the report that you are looking for.

Since this is a secure online feature accessible through the internet, you as our client can access your reports at any time and from anywhere in the world. All you need is an internet connection and then simply follow the below given instructions:

  1. Start your computer and open your web browser.
  2. Please visit our website home page by inserting the address http://www.cybernationinfotech.com in the address bar of your browser.
  3. Click "Client Portal Login" from the menu option provided on the home page of our website.
  4. Since you must be an authorized user to be able to access your reports the system will ask you to insert your username and password.
  5. So, please enter your username.
  6. So, please enter your password.
  7. Once you have typed your username and password please click 'Login' (IMPORTANT: Please note that both username and password are case-sensitive. So please maintain the exact case for the alphabets that are present in your username and password.
  8. Once you are logged in, you will be taken to the default screen of your secure online account.
  9. Please go to the "Download Documents" option - since the intention is to either download daily documents and / or search for old reports.
  10. Select the dictator (author) whose reports you wish to locate from the list of dictators belonging to your group / practice in case yours is a multi doctor practice.
  11. For most cases, it is advisable to keep the date type as 'Dictation Date'.
  12. The default date range is set to give you previous day's dictations. Click "Show Report" to get all the files dictated/submitted for processing on the previous day.
  13. For searching older files dictated in the past you can set a date range by setting the "To date" (end date) and using the duration choice like Day, Week, Fortnight, Month, or Quarter. For example, to search for a transcribed report from 11-03-2009, it is advisable to enter the "To date" as 11-09-2009 and set the duration as Week, so that there is no chance of you missing the file due to it being outside the given date range.
  14. Once all the known parameters are fed into the relevant search parameter boxes please click on the button "Show Reports'.
  15. Doing so will fetch all the files that are relevant to your search as presented in the parameters and within the given date range.
  16. Further, to search for say a patient Scott Mentoras, you can simply enter the first or last name, say e.g. "Scott" in the search box and click "Show Report" and you will have the filtered results presented to you on the screen. You can enter any search keyword which might match with any of the column data such as Orig Audio Number, Patient Name, etc.
  17. The report shows the entire list of matching documents - so there is always a chance of more than one report showing on screen especially when the doctor has dictated reports of all the members of a single family on the same day and obviously they all would typically share the same last name.
  18. Please click on the required file to download it to your computer and save it for further use. In case you wish to download all the displayed search result documents then that too can be easily done by a single click of a mouse button. Suing your mouse reach the option "Download All as Single Zip" button and then click on it.
  19. Please refer to the help option on the right side panel in case you wish to read further more detailed instructions.
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